my capacity for self-destruction

Examining an over-examined life

Monday, February 13, 2006

I have a theory

I have a theory.
Everybody's level of success is inversely proportional to their own capacity for self-destruction.

What is a capacity for self-destruction, you say? Well, its that little niggling voice in the back of your head that allows you...No demands of you...That you make insignificant decisions that will eventually end in your ultimate demise.

A few examples
1) you have 8,000,000 things to do. This number is overwhelming. A person with a very badly developed capacity for self-destruction would begin working on the things on the list.
A person with a healthy well developed capacity would not have a list, and would create a blog.

2) you have a weight problem. Your body issues are all consuming and filling you with despair. The person with the sad anemic capacity would start a diet and begin to work out. A person with a healthy all you can eat buffet capacity would go to Taco Bell get $10.48 worth of food, sit in front of a Star Trek: The next generation rerun and drink alone. Heavily.

3)You desire a lucrative career. People who are in the far right lane of the capacity for self-destruction highway would go to school to become trained in some lucrative skill. The people doing 90 in the far left lane with their hazard lights on and listening to Journey...We become actors. In the theatre.

You may have guessed that my capacity for self-destruction borders on the epic. Others look up to me, desire to sit at my feet and say things like 'teach me, oh master of all things useless and self-destructive'. To all comers I say: " have a seat, pull up a burrito and get something to drink you have a lot to learn."


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